dinsdag 28 december 2010

Give him a chance to miss you


"It's a different type of love, and maybe we all need a break from the achey, sweet love that comes with romance, the kind that excludes the rest of the world, the kind that's limited only to you and him / her.

So this one goes out to all the best friends in the world. The ones that smile for you when you excitedly fall in love with some new, unknown boy. The ones that sit through a pack of cigarettes with you at two to five in the morning listening to you cry about said boy who cheated on you even though they've got to be up at six for work. The ones that take time off work / school just for a little naughty afternoon shopping and eating on weekday. The ones who drag you to social events just to distract you from a broken heart. The ones who respond to every facebook, every twitter status update, just so you don't feel so alone and ignored. The ones who recognize you have a right to feel as shitty as you do about the boy who hurt you even though they'd spent the last two years telling you he was nothing but trash, the ones who don't tell you you're a fool, the ones who tell you you've a right to hurt. Because they're also the ones who have the strength and the love enough to tell you to snap out of it, that he was never worth it, because they're also the ones who have the courage to be honest enough to tell you you'd be a fool to take the manipulative creep back. The ones who bombard his messenger account with warnings to leave you alone, the ones who tell him behind your back to leave you well and alone, to stop messing with your mind when he's already with someone else. The ones who introduce you to new and wonderfully normal and loving boys.

This one also goes out to all the best other-gender best friends in the world. The ones that pick you up late at night for supper, just to take you out of your head. The ones that show you not all the men in the world are screw-ups and traitors, the ones that help you believe that good people still exist in the world. The ones you can laugh with without wanting to kiss, the ones who can give you that insight into that boy's soul you've been dying to know. The ones who swear they'll beat up / get the triads to beat up the poor sod who had the poor judgment to cheat on someone as wonderful and incredible as you even though it's the first night they've met you. This one goes out to all the incredible best other-gender best friends in the world who stuck around even when you abandoned them because your possessive ex-boyfriend went loco every time you even spoke to them. The ones that love you exactly the way you are, the ones that don't mind you snuggling against them just for a warm body without asking for anything more, the ones that come all the way down to the club from home just to drive you home, the ones that cry with you when you sit in your darkness wondering what you've done to deserve such betrayal from the one boy you'd give anything for. The ones that hurt with you when you're drowning in your darkness, the ones that hurt because they see your pain and can't do anything to touch you, to help you.

Friends never betray each other. We fight, sometimes. We disagree. We laugh at each other. But friends, friends are something else altogether. Friends are God's way of saying: here, I know it's tough trying to find your soulmate, but here are some other people you know for sure you can count on forever. They're like family, but better because they love you without the moral obligation attached.

I see you, my lovable friends. And I love you. This is my apology, for doing what I did to our friendships, and this is my way of reminding the world that there is more love in the world that what exists between some guy and a girl.

I love you, my best friends. More than I ever loved him. I promise."

donderdag 23 december 2010

I think, I'm in love

almost every night

1:00 am i'm still awake
1:01 am you're in my head
1:02 am i thing of you eyes
1:03 am i smile
1:04 am i try to sleep again
1:20 am you're still in my head
1:30 am get out of my head
1:40 am i still can't sleep
2:00 am i think of your lips
3:00 am i'm tired
4:00 am you. you. you.
5:00 am you're still in my head
6:00 am you're in my heart
7:00 am i finally fall asleep
8:00 am i get ready for the day

woensdag 22 december 2010

De steen

ik heb een steen verlegd in een rivier op aarde
het water gaat er anders dan voorheen
de stroom van een rivier hou je niet tegen
het water vindt er altijd een weg omheen
misschien eens gevuld door sneeuw en regen
neemt de rivier mijn kiezel met zich mee
om hem dan glad en rond gesleten
te laten rusten in de luwte van de zee

ik heb een steen verlegd in een rivier op aarde
nu weet ik dat ik nooit zal zijn vergeten
ik leverde bewijs van mijn bestaan
omdat door het verleggen van die ene steen
de stroom nooit meer dezelfde weg zal gaan

How it all began

zaterdag 11 december 2010

I heart it


We are friends

zondag 5 december 2010

Keep me close

It's those little things..
what always seem to make my little heart sing.

It's the way you bite your bottom lip
(that make me want to bite it, too)
and the way you gently put
your hands on my hips when we kiss...

And the silly way
you rub the tips of our noses
even when the weather's not at it's coldest
and it's the fact that even
though you know this,
you don't care and do it anyway,
as a display of affections,
and a tiny connection from you to me..

And that's what I love most.
It's those little things that keeps us close.

zaterdag 4 december 2010

Please, just smile

My thoughts are hard to write out, or even share for that matter. In my head it all make sense, but in my mouth, words refuse to form. It's very frustrating, and that is why I try to always just smile.

I'm sorry that when I'm sad that I will try to smile. It's a whole lot easier that explaining everything or anything at all.


vrijdag 3 december 2010