dinsdag 28 december 2010

Give him a chance to miss you


"It's a different type of love, and maybe we all need a break from the achey, sweet love that comes with romance, the kind that excludes the rest of the world, the kind that's limited only to you and him / her.

So this one goes out to all the best friends in the world. The ones that smile for you when you excitedly fall in love with some new, unknown boy. The ones that sit through a pack of cigarettes with you at two to five in the morning listening to you cry about said boy who cheated on you even though they've got to be up at six for work. The ones that take time off work / school just for a little naughty afternoon shopping and eating on weekday. The ones who drag you to social events just to distract you from a broken heart. The ones who respond to every facebook, every twitter status update, just so you don't feel so alone and ignored. The ones who recognize you have a right to feel as shitty as you do about the boy who hurt you even though they'd spent the last two years telling you he was nothing but trash, the ones who don't tell you you're a fool, the ones who tell you you've a right to hurt. Because they're also the ones who have the strength and the love enough to tell you to snap out of it, that he was never worth it, because they're also the ones who have the courage to be honest enough to tell you you'd be a fool to take the manipulative creep back. The ones who bombard his messenger account with warnings to leave you alone, the ones who tell him behind your back to leave you well and alone, to stop messing with your mind when he's already with someone else. The ones who introduce you to new and wonderfully normal and loving boys.

This one also goes out to all the best other-gender best friends in the world. The ones that pick you up late at night for supper, just to take you out of your head. The ones that show you not all the men in the world are screw-ups and traitors, the ones that help you believe that good people still exist in the world. The ones you can laugh with without wanting to kiss, the ones who can give you that insight into that boy's soul you've been dying to know. The ones who swear they'll beat up / get the triads to beat up the poor sod who had the poor judgment to cheat on someone as wonderful and incredible as you even though it's the first night they've met you. This one goes out to all the incredible best other-gender best friends in the world who stuck around even when you abandoned them because your possessive ex-boyfriend went loco every time you even spoke to them. The ones that love you exactly the way you are, the ones that don't mind you snuggling against them just for a warm body without asking for anything more, the ones that come all the way down to the club from home just to drive you home, the ones that cry with you when you sit in your darkness wondering what you've done to deserve such betrayal from the one boy you'd give anything for. The ones that hurt with you when you're drowning in your darkness, the ones that hurt because they see your pain and can't do anything to touch you, to help you.

Friends never betray each other. We fight, sometimes. We disagree. We laugh at each other. But friends, friends are something else altogether. Friends are God's way of saying: here, I know it's tough trying to find your soulmate, but here are some other people you know for sure you can count on forever. They're like family, but better because they love you without the moral obligation attached.

I see you, my lovable friends. And I love you. This is my apology, for doing what I did to our friendships, and this is my way of reminding the world that there is more love in the world that what exists between some guy and a girl.

I love you, my best friends. More than I ever loved him. I promise."

donderdag 23 december 2010

I think, I'm in love

almost every night

1:00 am i'm still awake
1:01 am you're in my head
1:02 am i thing of you eyes
1:03 am i smile
1:04 am i try to sleep again
1:20 am you're still in my head
1:30 am get out of my head
1:40 am i still can't sleep
2:00 am i think of your lips
3:00 am i'm tired
4:00 am you. you. you.
5:00 am you're still in my head
6:00 am you're in my heart
7:00 am i finally fall asleep
8:00 am i get ready for the day

woensdag 22 december 2010

De steen

ik heb een steen verlegd in een rivier op aarde
het water gaat er anders dan voorheen
de stroom van een rivier hou je niet tegen
het water vindt er altijd een weg omheen
misschien eens gevuld door sneeuw en regen
neemt de rivier mijn kiezel met zich mee
om hem dan glad en rond gesleten
te laten rusten in de luwte van de zee

ik heb een steen verlegd in een rivier op aarde
nu weet ik dat ik nooit zal zijn vergeten
ik leverde bewijs van mijn bestaan
omdat door het verleggen van die ene steen
de stroom nooit meer dezelfde weg zal gaan

How it all began

zaterdag 11 december 2010

I heart it


We are friends

zondag 5 december 2010

Keep me close

It's those little things..
what always seem to make my little heart sing.

It's the way you bite your bottom lip
(that make me want to bite it, too)
and the way you gently put
your hands on my hips when we kiss...

And the silly way
you rub the tips of our noses
even when the weather's not at it's coldest
and it's the fact that even
though you know this,
you don't care and do it anyway,
as a display of affections,
and a tiny connection from you to me..

And that's what I love most.
It's those little things that keeps us close.

zaterdag 4 december 2010

Please, just smile

My thoughts are hard to write out, or even share for that matter. In my head it all make sense, but in my mouth, words refuse to form. It's very frustrating, and that is why I try to always just smile.

I'm sorry that when I'm sad that I will try to smile. It's a whole lot easier that explaining everything or anything at all.


vrijdag 3 december 2010

zondag 28 november 2010


Life is short
Break the rules
Forgive quickly
Kiss slowly
Love truly
Laugh uncontrollably
And never regret anything that made you smile.

zaterdag 27 november 2010

That is all I am asking for..

You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before, she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect - you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together, but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there.

woensdag 10 november 2010

Five minutes left to say

If we discovered that we had only five minutes left to say all that we wanted to say, every telephone booth would be occupied by people calling other people to stammer that they loved them.

dinsdag 9 november 2010

zondag 7 november 2010

I'm falling out of love

i used to wait for you. Days would go by before I got a text or a hello, but I was so elated to finally hear from you that I ignored all the signs.

I forgot that I deserve better. I forgot that I actually need someone who's going to uplift and adore me, worship me, love me completely, just as I loved you. But I'll never get that from you.

I'll never get the sweet note or that hug or the awkward hand holding. I'll never be able to hold you again, to kiss you and run my fingers along your collar bone; you're simply too cruel. I can't deal with the insensitivity and the cutting jokes. I can't deal with the degrading behavior you're so trapped in.

You're sorry? Well that's wonderful, but I don't want apologies. I want a change in behavior, a change in character, and I'm not going to ask that of you because I know you too well. This is who you are, this is how you are, and I'm not supposed to try and change that. I'm accepting you as You, and moving on.

I'm falling out of love.

Love the way you lie

dinsdag 2 november 2010

Because she is me

I hate the girl that is so in love
I hate the girl that is so in love she blushes the minute he walks into the room
I hate the girl that is so in love she Can’t think of anything but him
I hate the girl that is so in love she becomes speechless
I hate the girl that is so in love that the only movie she can see is The Notebook
I hate the girl that is so in love she feels sick When he is not with her
I hate the girl that is so in love she imagines their entire future together
I hate the girl that is so in love she becomes naive
The reason I hate this girl is because she is me. You might be wondering what the reason for all the hate is. The reason is simple, the girl’s love, my love was and will never be answered

zondag 24 oktober 2010

vrijdag 22 oktober 2010

show me

if u love me, show me

i want to move on

every time i want to remember you..
i close my eyes..
i haven't seen you in so long..

i close my eyes..
remembering images..memories..pictures..
the first thing that i remember
is that picture of you..
wearing that dark blue hat..outside of starbux...
u were wearing a beige sweater..
and had a thicker beard then usual..
i remember your gaze in the picture
i feel like that picture spoke to me..
calling out for me..
i longed to be there with you
i long to be with you..

i daydream all the time..
most of my day im thinking of you..
my mind keeps drifting to you..

i get mad at myself..
im forgetting
i dont want to forget..
i dont remember anymore..
it was so long ago..
it hurts so much that i dont remember..

i forgot so many things..
but what i will always have is the way that u made me feel..

i feel small and inadequate now..
no one has ever made me feel that special..

i close my eyes again..
thinking of you..
looking so handsome.
you hugged me so tight
that u cried..
i couldn't believe it u cried..

i long for that hug
i long for that day

its not healthy to think about u like this..
i cant help myself..
i try
i try

till today songs on the radio remind me of you.
i cant even listen to them..
it hurts so bad..

i wish that one day you pick up the fone and call me..
and tell me
that you miss me
and that you will always love me..

its pathetic that i still have hope..
i wait for news that you guys ended ur marriage.
i know thats mean..
but i think that we are meant to be..
and that we are destined to be together..

so naive..
i think deep down im still that naive girl..
yearning for love and attention..

in my sleep i usually wake up with tears..
another day without you..
do you know that ever day i look at my fone
hoping for a msg a call anything from you

every day i wake up a little bit disappointed
every night i dream of you and hope that you come back..

i am lost without you
i am not complete..

if i hear someone talk like that id think there so corny
im not usually the romantic mushy type..
this is from my heart..

i dream of you
i wait for you
i long for you
i am still madly deeply in love with you..

to my sadness and despair..this is still the case..

dear god..please get me out of this..
i want to be ok
i want to move on..

i will go to bed..
still with hope in my heart..

donderdag 21 oktober 2010

Im in love with you

How is it possible that you are always able to make me laugh, when i dont even want to smile.

woensdag 13 oktober 2010

zondag 10 oktober 2010

vrijdag 1 oktober 2010


I hope you see that your tearing me apart
I hope you someday grow a heart
I hope someday I will want to see you
I hope someday I wont have to see you

I hope you suffer, but I dont want that
I hope you die, but I dont mean that
I hope someday your love will be real
I hope someday you will feel

zondag 12 september 2010

What's love?

Love is a thing shared by two
Love is what you feel for me and you 
Love is precious when its shared 
Love is danger when its dared  

Love wanders and searches for the one 
Love plays and just do it for fun 
Love lets you hear love songs to emote 
Love lets you make sweet poems & a quote  

Love makes the world go around 
Love makes us happy if the one we love is finally found 
Love turns the world upside down 
Love cheers us never with a frown  

Love makes you cry 
Love sacrifices and says goodbye 
Love has its own reason and time 
Love can make someone you love "mine"  

Love makes a person kiss 
Love makes a person miss 
Love is experienced by all 
Love conquers when you fall

zondag 1 augustus 2010

zondag 25 juli 2010

The truth is...

... everybody is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for...


... hebben altijd geheimen. Het is alleen de vraag hoe je daarachter komt.

donderdag 22 juli 2010


Time will make you forget me, but time will make me love you more than before.

zondag 27 juni 2010

I love you more

I love you more than spongebob loves jellyfishing
I love you more than fat kid loves food,
I love you more than a nerd loves his homework,
I love you more than a baby loves his mother,
I love you more than Ally loves Billy,
I love you more than words can say,
I love you more than she does...

zaterdag 19 juni 2010

Waarom nou jij?

Als er iemand bij me wegging
Even slikken en weer doorgaan
Even woelen en gewoon weer opstaan
Het deed me weinig
Maar om jou ben ik verdrietig
Zonder jou ontzettend nietig
Je stem die in mijn hoofd blijft zitten
Mij geen moment met rust laat

En dat er mensen zijn die lachen
En dat er mensen zijn die dansen
En dat er mensen zijn die innig zoenen
Dat kan ik nu niet meer begrijpen

Ik voel alleen de pijn van 'god waar is 'ie'
Ik voel alleen de pijn van jou hier bij me missen
En ik kan er niet mee omgaan
Ik kan er echt niet meer mee omgaan

En ik zou wel willen smeken
Je op m'n knieën willen smeken
Als ik wist dat dat nog zin had
Maar de dagen worden weken
En de weken worden jaren

Dit gevecht kan ik niet winnen
Want jij zit veel te diep vanbinnen
Waarom nou jij

Why do people always leave?

zaterdag 5 juni 2010

Does she love you?

If she loves you, if she really loves you, you’ll know it. If you can wake up to her staring at you and it’s not even mildly creepy, if you catch her smelling the shoulder of the hooded sweatshirt you lent her for an autumn walk at the beach, and not for B.O., if she makes you a pancake in the shape of a shark, if she calls you drunkenly at four in the morning “to talk,” if she laughs at your jokes when they’re funny and makes fun of you when they’re not, if she keeps her fridge stocked with Guinness tallboys for when you come over, if she tells you how she wishes she were closer to her sister and that her dad makes her sad: She loves you, of course she loves you.

maandag 31 mei 2010


Life is not about how many breaths you take it's about the moments that take your breath away - Hitch

zondag 16 mei 2010

Love like you've never been hurt

Dance like no one is watching
Sing like no one is listening
Live like each day is your last
Work like you don't need the money

Love like you've never been hurt

donderdag 6 mei 2010


It's better to be hated for what you are, than to be loved for what you are not.

woensdag 5 mei 2010

I want to be a part of it

New York, New York!

maandag 3 mei 2010

John Mayer

Life ain't a fairy tale, it's a documentary.

zondag 2 mei 2010

Immortal Beloved

Good morning, on July 7

My thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved
I can live only wholly with you or not at all -
Be calm my life, my all.
Only by calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together.
Oh continue to love me, never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.

Ever thine....Ever mine....Ever ours.

zaterdag 1 mei 2010

Is it?

everything is fair in love and war

maandag 26 april 2010

Lisbeth Salander

Introvert, sociaal geremd, gebrek aan empathie, op zichzelf gefixeerd, psychopatisch, asociaal gedrag, mist het vermogen tot samenwerken en Is niet in staat leerstof in zich op te nemen.

zondag 25 april 2010

vrijdag 23 april 2010


Column van Martin Bril - Volkskrant

Mijn oude meneer is dood. Hij woonde in het verzorgingstehuis om de hoek. Zijn kamer op de begane grond lag precies op mijn route. Kwam ik de uit de stad, te voet of per fiets, dan kwam ik, na de drukke Marnixstraat te zijn overgestoken, altijd precies bij zijn raam uit en dan zag ik hem zitten.

Altijd zat hij midden in zijn kamer, in een grote stoel, recht tegenover een oud televisietoestel. Vaak stond het ding aan, maar nooit keek mijn meneer ernaar. In plaats daarvan dommelde hij.

Het hoofd geknakt op de borst.

De bril van de neus gegleden.

Hij had nog een beetje haar.

Ik denk dat ik mijn oude meneer vijf jaar geleden voor het eerst zag zitten. Ik durfde geen halt te houden bij het raam om het interieur uitgebreid te inspecteren. Op de tafel bij het raam stond een blik Haagse Hopjes. Soms lag er ook een rol pepermunt van King. In de vensterbank stond een kleine, gipsen buste van Mozart.

Vijf jaar is lang.

En iedere dag was hetzelfde voor mijn meneer. Hij zat daar maar in die stoel, soms ’s middags om vijf uur al in zijn badstoffen pyjama. Ik vroeg me af wie hem in bed zou stoppen (het bed stond achter in de kamer), en of het liefdevol zou gebeuren. Ik kwam ook wel eens ’s avonds laat uit de stad en dan zat hij nog in zijn stoel, Barend en Van
Dorp waren bezig. Mijn meneer sliep in zijn stoel.

Een paar keer schreef ik op deze plek over het leven van mijn meneer, maar op een dag zag ik op zijn tafel bij het raam een Volkskrant liggen, opengeslagen bij de kruiswoordpuzzel.

Ik besloot toen niet meer over hem te schrijven. In plaats daarvan nam ik me voor hem eens te bezoeken, maar daar is het niet van gekomen.

Links en rechts van hem overleden mensen. De gordijnen van hun kamers waren dan dicht, en twee dagen later weer geopend. Schilders stonden dan de muren te witten voor de volgende bewoners.

Ik vroeg me af of mijn meneer zich bewust was van dit soort ontwikkelingen. Benieuwd naar de buitenwereld was hij al lang niet meer: nooit zag ik hem naar de bedrijvigheid in de Marnixstraat kijken. Hij was vergroeid met zijn stoel, en het dommelen.
Een soort voordood.

Een paar dagen geleden kwam ik terug van een boodschap in de stad en zag ik dat het was gebeurd. Twee mensen waren de spullen van mijn meneer aan het inpakken. Het waren kennissen van hem, zijn enige bezoek ook tijdens al die jaren. Midden in de kamer stonden de verhuisdozen opgestapeld. Het raam stond open en ik sprak even met de kennissen – mijn meneer had Johan Gerrit Mitteltreiner geheten, en van beroep was hij balletdanser geweest.

Dit brak bijna mijn hart.

Een balletdanser die zo aan zijn einde moest komen. Zou hij zich het podium, de geur van de coulissen, de opwinding en spanning in de kleedkamers nog hebben herinnerd? En dan die naam: Mitteltreiner, de naam voor een romanpersonage van Joseph Roth. Mij werd verteld wanneer de crematie was, ik was van harte welkom. Maar ik durfde niet te gaan.

Wel vond ik in deze krant een overlijdensadvertentie. De naam van mijn meneer, en trots daaronder: balletdanser. Geboren in Weesp, in 1915.

Al voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog moet mijn meneer op de planken hebben gestaan. Niet te bevatten, eigenlijk. Want het leven van een danser is per definitie kort. Dat is nu zo, en zal toen ook zo zijn geweest. Bij dertig houdt het op. Maar mijn meneer had toen nog vierenzestig jaar voor de boeg. De laatste jaren zullen het langst hebben geduurd.

Geluk is..

... een geladen revolver die tegen je slaap gehouden wordt en die ieder moment kan afgaan.

donderdag 22 april 2010


"Wie sterkte wortels heeft, komt vanzelf weer in bloei"

woensdag 21 april 2010

Superbia, Avaritia, Luxuria, Invidia, Gula, Ira, Acedia

1. Trots
2. Gierigheid
3. Lust
4. Jaloezie
5. Vraatzucht
6. Wraak
7. Luiheid

dinsdag 20 april 2010

maandag 19 april 2010

Carpe Diem

Sweet November

Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows, only time?
And who can say if your love grows,
As your hearth chose, only time?

Who can say why your heart sights,
As your live flies, only time?
And who can say why your heart cries
when your love lies, only time?

Who can say when the roads meet,
That love might be ,in your heart?
and who can say when the day sleeps,
and the night keeps all your heart?
Night keeps all your heart.....

Who can say if your love groves,
As your heart chose, only time?
And who can say where the road goes
Where the day flows, only time?

Who knows? Only time
Who knows? Only time

Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite

Blair: I know you told Serena you love me.
Chuck: Serena heard wrong.
Blair: Last year you told Nate, this year you told Serena. You tell everyone but me, why can't you tell me?

Blair: You can't run, you have to stay here and here it this time. Chuck Bass, I love you. I love you so much it consumes me. I love you and I know you love me too. Tell me you love me and everything we've done, all the gossip and the lies and the hurt will have been for something. Tell me it was for something.
Chuck: Maybe it was, but it's not anymore.

Chuck: You were right. I was a coward running away again, but everywhere I went, you caught up with me. So I had to come back.
Blair: I want to believe you, but I can't. You hurt me too many times.
Chuck: You can believe me this time.
Blair: Oh. That's it?
Chuck: I love you too.
Blair: But can you say it twice? No i'm serious, say it twice!
Chuck: I love you, I love you, that's three, four, I love you.

zondag 18 april 2010

You happened to me

"Ik verbaas me er ook over, tis lang geleden dat ik zo geschreven heb. En het is evenlang geleden dat iedere gedachte aan iemand telkens weer opnieuw aanvoelt als een cadeautje. Ik weet niet wat het is.. als ik door de stad loop zoals vanmiddag (op zoek naar een gift voor m’n pa) gaan met enige regelmaat mijn gedachten naar je uit en tegelijkertijd lijken dingen meer kleur te hebben dan normaal en een diepere betekenis te hebben. Ik zie de oude gebouwen, voel hun statigheid en voel hun gratie over me reiken. En bij iedere boom denk ik ‘goh, wat ziet die boom er eigenlijk mooi uit’ . En gewoon daarna weer even denken aan jou en hoe je blonde lokken over je gezicht vallen en aan je lach. Okay, Nicole, zeg me, wie denkt er nu bij een boom of bij ieder gebouw ‘goh, dat ziet er mooi uit’, nu vraag ik je.. Dus…, of je hebt geshopt in een of andere voodoo store en zo mijn gedachten in beslag genomen of ik vind je gewoon heel erg leuk.. Sorry, maar ik denk dat ik je maar aansprakelijk moet stellen ;) Want als m'n baas me zo zou horen praten dan zou ie me direct ontslaan denk ik. Weet ook niet of ik er erg blij mee moet zijn, met al die gevoelens en zo, want ik heb -net zoals nu- het idee dat mijn vingers een eigen leven leiden en me dingen doen zeggen die van veel dieper komen dan mijn ratio en wellicht dat ze zelfs puur gevoel zijn… ok, nu ga ik mezelf toespreken, want dit gaat echt de verkeerde kant op.

Okey, ik ga nu pleite en hopelijk niet aan je denken vanavond. Terwijl ik het schrijf heb ik er al geen vertrouwen meer in, maar ik ga het gewoon proberen! En waarschijnlijk kom ik vanavond teleurgesteld thuis omdat ik toch vaak aan je gedacht heb, net zoals ik nu al weet dat jij aan mij hebt gedacht en dat je blij bent met deze mail nog te ontvangen vandaag. “Okey, tsss, waarom denk je dat ik aan jou gedacht hebt dan..” Nou Nicole, some things in life you just know for sure. En we gaan maar niet proberen het te snappen, want wie kan immers verklaren hoe 2 mensen in elkaar kunnen opgaan.

Dus, als je laat thuiskomt en je nog je mail checkt, bevestig m’n gewaagde stelling of zeik hem helemaal af, mag je zelf kiezen. Maar hoe dan ook, ik ga vannacht een goede droom tegemoet, just because you’re in it en ik dank je daarvoor. En misschien gaan we tijdens deze droom wel naar verre oorden, waar we wat drinken in de schaduw op een druk terras en je me lachend een leuke anekdote verteld of gewoon geniet van het moment.. Prima voor vannacht, ja, lijkt me fun... "


They say..

.. nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style.

Friends, lovers or nothing

Now that we are over
As the loving kind
We'll be dreaming ways
To keep the good alive

Only when we want is not
A compromise
I'll be pouring tears
Into your drying eyes

Friends, lovers, or nothing
There can only be one
Friends, lovers, or nothing
We'll never be the in-between
So give it up

You whisper, "Come on over"
Because you're two drinks in
But in the morning I will say
Good-bye again

Think we'll never fall into
The jealous game
The streets will flood
With blood of those who felt the same

Friends, lovers, or nothing
You see, there can only be one
Friends, lovers, or nothing
We'll never an in-between
So give it up

Friends, lovers, or nothing
We can really only ever be one
Friends, lovers, or nothing
Don't you know
We'll never be the in-between
So give it up

No, we'll never the in-between
So give it up

Anything other than yes is no
Anything other than stay is go
Anything less than I love you is lying

He's just not that into you

Alex: Thanks for stayin' and helping me clean up. I really gotta go to bed, though.
Gigi: Is that an invitation?
Alex: What?
Gigi: Oh god, that was cheesy. Oh, I'm not good at this.
Alex: What?
[Awkward silence for a moment then Gigi jumps on Alex, kissing him. He's caught off guard and clearly not into the kiss. He tries desperately to push her back.]
Alex: Hey.
Gigi: Oh, yes, I knew it! The best relationships grow out of friendship.
Alex: Wait, wait, wait. Gigi, wait, wait, wait. What? Now you and I are in a relationship?
Gigi: Well, I'd say if we're not at relationship station-ship, we're at least on the track.
Alex: And why exactly would you think that?
Gigi: Because of the signs...
Alex: Really? Like what?!
Gigi: Like it was good to hear from me, and you talked to me even when you were with a girl and...I...felt...something.
Alex: Oh, man. What are you talking about? Gigi, what have I been saying since I met you? If a guy wants to date you, he will make it happen, okay? He will ask you out. Did I ask you out?
Gigi: No.
Alex: Then, wh...why would you do this? Oh, sh|t. Why do women do this? Why do they build this stuff up in their minds, take each little thing a guy does and, and, and then twist it into something else...? It's insane!
Gigi: I'd rather be like that than be like you.
Alex: Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?
Gigi: I may dissect each little thing and put myself out there too much but...at least that means I still care. And, oh, you think you've won because women are...are expendable to you? And you may not get...get hurt or make an ass of yourself that way, but you don't fall in love that way, either. You have not won; you're alone, Alex! I may do a lot of stupid sh|t but I know I'm a lot closer to finding someone than you are.


Alex: Hey, Kelly-Ann, uh, did I get any calls?
Kelly-Ann: Since you asked me 11 minutes ago, no. Not a lot of phone traffic.
Alex: [He checks his cell phone for a signal.]
Kelly-Ann: Oh my god.
Alex: What?
Kelly-Ann: What’s her name?
Alex: Who?
Kelly-Ann: The girl, Alex.
Alex: There's no girl.
Kelly-Ann: You can't hide it, man. I know strung-out and you are S-T-R-U-N-G O-U-T.
Alex: Pleaseeee.
Kelly-Ann: This is amazing. You can't focus, right? Jumping every time your phone rings, checking your email a hundred times a day, wishing you could write songs... No, feeling the need to bring up her name in random conversations...it's always the same and it has happened to you, my friend.
Alex: Shlt.
Kelly-Ann: Welcome to my world, @sshole. Let me get the door.


[Gigi hears a knock at the door.]
Gigi: Did you forget something? (She thinks it's Bill.) [She opens the door to find Alex.]
Alex: Yeah.
Gigi: Really? What did you forget?
Alex: This.
Gigi: So, you came all the way here at eleven o'clock at night to bring me back a promotional pen?
Alex: Yeah. Yeah, I did. I thought I would come up with some really great excuse to get over here. That's how it's done, right?
Gigi: Sometimes.
Alex: Look, I can't stop thinking about you. I drive by your place, I call and hang up. I'm turning into...
Gigi: Me.
Alex: Yeah.
Gigi: A wise person once told me that if a guy wants to be with a girl, he will make it happen, no matter what.
Alex: That's true.
Gigi: But when I was hauling my body onto yours, you did not seem to want to make it happen.
Alex: Here's the thing about that, you were right. I've gotten so used to keeping myself at a safe distance from all these women, and all this time, I didn't know what it felt like when I actually fell for one of them. I didn't know.
Gigi: Look, I just went out with your friend Bill. He might be just exactly what I need. No drama, he calls; he does what he says.
Alex: I can do that stuff too.
Gigi: But you didn't, and that same wise person told me that I'm the rule. That I have to stop thinking that every guy will change, that I have to stop thinking that...
[He kisses her.]
Gigi: I'm the exception.
Alex: (He whispers.) You're my exception.
[They kiss again.]